Make Your Own Luck

Make Your Own Luck

You Are a Creator

You are creating every moment whether you realize it or not. The question is whether you are creating consciously or unconsciously. Through intention and consistency, you can better claim the creative power of your thoughts. What is required? A sense of curiosity and playfulness - and practice. This is a learned skill, but it can be a lot of fun learning it! When synchronicity shows up in your life, it inspires you to keep going.

Setting Your Intention - The Think Box

To set an intention means to get clear on what you want to create. You are in charge of the "what" you create, the traits of your intention. The universe is in charge of the "how and when" it shows up. Grab a piece of paper and write down your intention ("I want to..."). If your a newbie to this, start with something fun and playful like front-row concert tickets or winning a free trip. As you grow more familiar with the process, you can try things like finding a new job or publishing your first book. 

Next, list up to five traits of your intention (to work from home, to love what I do, to be my own boss...) Be specific. Thoughts are the language of the brain. Now, list the feelings of that future. How will you feel when your intention comes true? I always advise listing gratitude for one or your feelings because it sends the body a message that you have received something wonderful. Feelings are the language of the body. 

Last, draw a simple symbol to represent your intention. Something that you can visualize during meditation. Keeping it simple is usually a good idea, but it's up to you, as long as you can visualize it. Finding a new job could be a capital J. Front row concert tickets could be tickets or some music notes. This symbol represents the energy of your intention. 

This process of setting your intention is what Dr. Joe Dispenza calls the Think Box. Bringing that intention to life in meditation is what he calls the Play Box.

Creative Meditation - The Play Box

This is when you set your analytical mind aside and call up your sense of curiosity and playfulness. It's time to create! There are four steps to my favorite version of this meditation. Five minutes spent on each step is a good target for a 20-minute meditation, but you can linger in each step for as long as you like.

Divergent Focus: The idea here is to connect with the space surrounding your body and generate a feeling of safety. When we are in stress, we activate our lower energy centers (root, sacral and solar plexus). This is stress or survival mode and is not a time to create. It's a time to run, fight, or hide. Our upper energy centers (heart, throat, and third eye) are our creative centers. Place your attention on each of these upper centers, one at at a time. Then slowly expand your awareness outward to the space surrounding your body. Think of it like inflating a big beach ball around each center. Begin to sense the space around you. It's more of a sensing than a visualizing. This counteracts the stress response and brings on a feeling of relaxation.

Connect with the Field of Infinite Potential: This part takes the most practice because it runs counter to our conditioning. Another name for the field of infinite potential is the quantum field. Yep! You're going there. We live in a 3D world of the senses where we invest all of our attention on material things. The quantum field is an immaterial field rich in frequency and energy. It is also called "the void," but it isn't really empty. It just seems that way because we can't perceive it with our senses. It's a subatomic field that doesn't play by the 3D rules of Newtonian physics. I'll write more about it in a future article, but for our purposes here, the most important thing to know about it is that it responds to the mind of the observer. Its energy responds to our attention and intention. The trick is, you can't connect with it by focusing on the material. So in this part of the meditation, you will practice placing your attention on blackness, on nothing. Just relax into it for awhile (a meditation mask can be helpful). When you notice your attention wandering to the familiar people and places in your life, return your attention to "nothing." You likely won't be very good at this at first, but it is worth practicing is you want to become better at manifesting your intention. Just look at it as at time to deeply relax from your normal concerns. I like to compare it to pressing the pause button on the current movie of my life, and giving myself a break. Don't rush these first two steps.

Symbol and Feelings: Now visualize the symbol of your intention. Imagine yourself having the experience of living this intention. Who will you be? What will you do? Then feel the elevated emotions you listed for your intention. Bring them up one by one and really feel them. Stay in the feeling. 

Gratitude and Surrender: Place our hand over your heart and feel gratitude for this experience. Then surrender your intention to Spirit and ask for a clear sign that your message has been received. 

Synchronicity, Serendipity, Kismet...

You have just created some ripples or footprints in the field of potential with your meditation. If you were successful, you should eventually see some evidence of this in your life. Pay attention, but don't strain. Watch for the breadcrumbs, the signs, that the universe brings you. To me, this is the fun part, where the magic happens. It usually comes in a way you don't expect. It's important to carry the feelings of your intention as much as possible as you move through your day. If you lose it, take a moment to reconnect and realign with your intention. The quantum field resonates and responds with who we are being. 

At the end of the day, take a moment to review how you did. How often were you able to stay in the feelings of your intention? When did you go off course? How can you do better tomorrow? Be consistent. Meditate each day. This is a learned skill. When you experience success, it motivates you to stay with it! It becomes like a game. 

I like to create a playlist that brings up the feelings of my intention and listen to it each day when I go for a walk or when I am doing things around the house. Thoughts and feelings and music have frequency. It's like tuning into the premium channel! This process has worked for me so many times. Some of the things I have created have been pretty amazing. It gives me more of a feeling of agency in my life, and that feels good! 

When I am choosing my own music for this meditation, I like using "Eye of Horace" by Barry Goldstein. Dr. Joe Dispenza has a wonderful version of this meditation called the "Morning/Evening Meditation." For $20 you receive a digital download of both meditations. Each meditation is 20 minutes long. The music and sound quality are outstanding. You can find them on I don't receive any money for mentioning this. I just love these meditations and use them frequently. Now go out there and create your own luck!